Product:    IsaGRAF 3.X
Date: 05-November-2001
File: Classic IO driver on NT-Target.htm
Subject: Some indications to develop "classic" IO driver on NT-Target
Keywords: IO Driver – NT-Target


Generally under Windows NT you develop what we call "Easy IO" drivers which are located in a separate Dll. But you have also the possibility to generate drivers as in other targets that are statically linked with the target (included in Wisaker.exe).
Here are some indications to develop "classic" IO drivers for the NT target. If you need more details, please read the IO development tools guide.

Workbench definition:

For the definition of your IO board you need to choose the OEM Key (different of 0006 which is used for EasyIO), the Number of channels, the type and the direction. You can also define some OEM parameters if you need.

Target implementation:

For your driver.c file you need to do a copy of the file taio0oem.c which is the example of OEM procedures, modify this file for writing the driver which corresponds to the hardware and to the workbench definition.

After this, add the oem_open and oem_close function of the driver in the file taio0ker.c file, and also the extern procedures of the driver.

Open the project ISaOEM.mdp and insert the driver in it. Compile the project and use the project wisaker.mdp to generate a new Wisaker.exe (the NT target). The driver is now implemented in the target.

Contact support to have IO driver examples: ingast.c and outgast.c and their definition ingast.bia and outgast.bia for the ISaGRAF library.


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